Thursday, May 30, 2013

OIG Would Like More Home Health Surveys

The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report on Home Health Agencies Survey’s.  They did this study to determine if State agencies and accreditation organizations conducted timely recertification surveys of HHAs.  They also identified the extent to which HHAs received deficiency citations, corrected deficiencies, or had complaints lodged against them.

They found that State agencies and accreditation organizations conducted recertification surveys for nearly all HHAs within the required 36-month timeframe and cited 12 percent of HHAs with “condition”-level deficiencies, the most serious type of deficiency.  Ninety-three percent of these HHAs corrected their condition-level deficiencies within the required 90-day timeframe; the remaining 7 percent correct the deficiencies late or left Medicare.  Fifteen percent of the HHAs had complaints lodged against them; surveyor’s conducted complaint investigation surveys for nearly all of these HHAs and cited 7 percent of them with condition-level deficiencies.  With few exceptions, HHAs corrected all condition-level deficiencies cited during the complaint survey.

They recommend that CMS analyze survey data to determine whether it should routinely conduct look-behind surveys for oversight of State agencies, which conduct most HHA recertification surveys.  CMS has concurred with their recommendations.

To view the OIG Report go to:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

CMS Proposed 1.1% Payment Increase for Hospice

CMS has issued its Proposed Rule FY 2014 Hospice Wage Index and Payment Rate Update.  It has yet to be published in the Federal Register.  The proposed rule will be published in the Federal Register on May, 13. The rule would increase hospice payments by 1.1%.  It proposes to replace the current quality reporting system in 2016 with new a system that requires to hospice to collect and submit new patient-data forms.  It also proposes beginning in 2017 to implement a hospice experience-of-care survey for families and friends of hospice patients.

Look for more information in a future Email Alerts.  To view the CMS Fact Sheet go to: